Sunday, June 30, 2013

Chapter Two


                                                         David's family

                 Mother                                   Father                                    Two brothers

                 control freak                          Fire man                                Unknown

     David tells Stories about family before the divorce. David tolled us life lesson Mother taught him. And tells us how the Pelzer Family clan celebrated holidays.

Chapter One

              In the morning David woke up and did chores. He knew if his chores weren't done he would not eat breakfast. He was starving he had not ate dinner the night before. His bands (bracelets) out of the sink. Mother came and smacked him, for his bands being out of the sink. She smacks him a gain for not trying to move out of the way. If the child did not move she found that as disrespectful. After that he did more chores. Mother dropped him off at school. Then gave him a lecture and threaten to send him to Uncle Dan's. The she tolled him to say he ran into the door so they would not question the bruises.
             David was late and had to report to the front office. Then was sent to the nurses office. He tolled her what mother said to say. Then the Nurse said " You said that Monday!'' Then the Nurse tolled him to take off his cloths to recode marks n his body. So he did. The nurse saw the stab mark on his stomach. The school called the police. David tolled Officer Smith about the stab mark. Officer Smith took David down to the police department and calls Mother. Smith tolled Mother David was going to jail. But no in reality Smith drives him to a different county. Then said "David you are FREE!"

The Background

The setting Daly City California.
Time frame March 1973.
 The book was written about one of California's most unforgettable child abuse case. The book was based on the life of Dave Pelzer(the author).

                             Great Reviews From
*Co author of Chicken Soup For The Soul Mr. Jack Canfield
*Child Welfare League Mr. Mark Riley
*Teacher Mr. Steven E. Ziegler
*California Social Worker Ms. Valerie Bivens
*The list keeps on going on and on.